Lydia teaching a mat class

Pilates with Lydia

mat classes in new farm teneriffe newstead brisbane group mat classes duet mat classes

About pilates

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Ways to practice

Where I teach

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International Pilates Day Photos


Located in New Farm, OLD
teaching in New Farm, Teneriffe, Brisbane CBD and the surounding suburbs.

Contact me:

Lydia Molen
ph:0420 246 050

or email:

Pilates gets your mind in tune with your body.

With the emphasis on alignment, breathing and core conditioning, PILATES is a safe and effective way to stretch, strengthen and streamline your body without stressing your joints. It is the perfect complement to cardiovascular exercise, sport, rehab and life. Practicing PILATES will leave you looking toned, feeling strong and connected to your body.

We focus on the breath and spinal/pelvic alignment and stabilization. Ultimately by concentrating on smooth flowing movement, you become acutely aware of how your body feels, where it is in space, and how to control its movement.

You’ll feel the difference in everything you do.

The Pilates Springboard

Check out this new piece of pilates equipment developed by Ellie Herman. The springboard is inspired by Joseph Pilates' original equipment, the Cadillac or Trapeze Table. Springs and a roll down bar attach to a board mounted on the wall, allowing you to do many of the exercises normally performed on the Cadillac. Experience the Springboard in a one-on-one session.

Pilates Springboard







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